Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hii hesabu imekuwaje tena?

Three friends went to a hotel. The bill was 75/= Shs.
Each one contributed 25/= Shs.
The waiter took the bill to the cashier.
The cashier was happy and decided to give them a
discount of 5/= Shs, so he asked the waiter to return
them 5/= shs.
Now the waiter was confused on how to distribute 5/=
Shs among 3 persons?
He kept 2/= Shs in his pocket & gave one Shilling to
each one of the 3 persons.
So initially each one had contributed 25/= Shs. Now as
they are given 1 Shilling back, their contribution
reduces to 24/= Shs.
They all contributed 24/= Shs each -- that is 24/= x3
= 72/= shs and 2 Shillings are in the waiter's pocket.
The total becomes 74/= shs. But they paid 75/= Shs.
Where is the remaining 1 Shilling?



Masangu Matondo Nzuzullima said...

Wapenda mahesabu mpo? Hebu kokotoeni hili swali. Hakuna somo nililokuwa nikichukia kama hesabu kwani nilikuwa sielewi faida ya kukokotoa hesabu reefu ambalo limejaa maalama (pai pi skweadi...) pamoja na kuchapwa viboko kwani waalimu karibu wote wa Hesabu walikuwa balaa kwa viboko. Baadaye nilisikitika nilipogundua kwamba hesabu, kama alivyosema Albert Eistein - ndiyo lugha ya kuuelewa ulimwengu. Nilipigwa na butwaa nilipolazimishwa kuchukua darasa linaloitwa Mathematical Linguistics na nikakuta ni hesabu hasa za kweli kweli. Karibu kila kitu hapa duniani kinataka hesabu. Hata ukizikimbia hesabu leo, ni lazima tu utakutana nazo siku moja...

Anonymous said...

the answer is really easy. you payed a told of (24*3) 72/=shs and the waiter gave them a change of 3/=shs which if the 1/=shs add to the 24 the intially amount becomes 25/=shs.
so the 1/= shs is still there it has not gone anywhere

Anonymous said...

the 2 which you claim to be in waiter's pocket is in the 72 shs, so they paid 75 and given back 3 as a discount change, it is quiet clear, no confusion there, you try to put confusion by introduce the 2 and 1 which are actually not there

Anonymous said...

Mzee wa sumo.
Walilipa 25 kila mmoja, hiyo ikafanya 75. Sasa cashier yeye akarudisha 5. Hivyo bei waliyotakiwa kulipa ni 70, ukigawanya kwa 3 utapata 23.33333 muuzaji akarudisha 3 mbili akatia mfukoni, hivyo kila mmoja alilipa sawa na 24.33333 sasa ukichukua 24.3333 X 3 utapata 73. Jumlisha na mbili 75.

PCM Azania 2002 wakilisha.

Anonymous said...

Hapo wanamahesabu tunasema ni lazima utumie kanuni ya MAGAZIJUTO (BODMAS) ili uweze kupata jibu sahihi. Huwezi kuanza kutoa 25-1 kabla hujagawanya. Kwa hiyo PCM Azania 2002 yuko sawa mia kwa mia.

Magehema wa ukweli.

Anonymous said...

njia unayotupeleka si nidhamu ya hesabu kwanza wale jamaa hawakulipa(24x3)= 72 kwa cashier wamelipa 70 tu kwa hiyo njia yako sii sahihi , sahihi ni 70 + 3 ya rudisho + 2 ya waiter =75